
6 May 2008

Villandry Autostitch compositions

Chateau de Villandry garden Autostitch

Villandry crop

Twentry-five pictures taken with a Minolta ‘beercan’ zoom at 75 mm, combined in Autostitch (below) and cropped (above) for full frame or widest point selections.

Autostitch source

The source composition is 8200×2200 pixels (18 MP), and was done setting output size at 35%. At 100% the picture would theoretically exceed 24000×6000 pixels (144 MP). I’m not sure Autostitch can do that on my PC. A reduced version was uploaded to Flickr.

As an example of the potential source detail – click through on a source image (see below) to the full size version at Flickr.

Villandry detail

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